Christmas is a time of giving. There are special presents for loved ones, cards for friends, goodies for teachers and classmates. But the best gift of all, I think, is the gift of giving back. Through wonderful service and outreach projects at my family’s church home, we have have had great opportunities to give back, both […]
Happy Birthday!
50 years is an amazing accomplishment in any life, whether it be the life of a business, the life of a marriage, or the life of an idea. In this case, we are celebrating the life of Dr. Alexander who is 50 years young today! He has done so many amazing things and touched so […]
Congratulations, Drawing Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of Dr. Alexander’s September drawing for Opalescence Trèswhite Supreme teeth whitening kits: Sarah, Jane, Alena, Harriet, and Carol! These kits are stronger than supermarket whiteners, and are available at our dental office at 48 Church Street in Crestline Village in Mountain Brook. Thanks so much to everyone who entered! And be […]
Celebrating 23 Years of Dental Practice in Mountain Brook
As any parent knows, a childhood goes by fast. And so does the life of a dental practice–ours just turned 23, which is amazing. If it were a child, it would be finished with high school and college, and perhaps starting on a career path and looking for a place to live. So it seems […]